Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Recent events surrounding and coming about as a result of Barach Obama's election are causing havoc in American society. It is obvious to the conservatives that Obama is a prevaricator ... he will say anything to get people to go along with his agenda to socialize America and take away the rights and freedoms of the American people.

People are beginning to stir into action .. this is a grassroots movement, comprised of people who have fought, have lost loved one's in wars fighting for, and protecting the rights of free Americans. Obama doesn't understand that, he hates free Americans ... of course this is meat and potatoes to the liberal politicians who have wanted to take away people's rights to keep and bear arms (so they won't be able to fight back if the elected representatives try to take them by force), to free speech, to free enterprise, etc., etc.

America was founded by people who fled from England (and other parts of the world) to escape tyrants who taxed them without representation, yet elected representatives in America today are levying more and more taxes on the people, and disregarding their rights in an effort to control the country.

The spokesman for the liberals who are trying to hijack America in an effort to socialize and emasculate American business and citizenry, is none other than Barach Obama... Mr. "promise utopia, then when you have dismantled the country's infrastructure in business, economics, and society, take over, because they won't be able to do anything about it...", Mr., I will surround myself with czars to control elements, and shock troops to protect me and my agenda, and I will systematically bankrupt and dominate the American way of life... The great prevaricator...

America will not stand for the attempts by these people to subjugate her peoples.. there are many who would like to slop at the government trough, while the government provides the slop from the taxes levied upon those who produce, but it will not fly. The American people will rise up and crush Obama and those elected officials who try to usurp the authority and power granted to them by the people, through the election process.

These interlopers will die in infamy, but America will not die - not at their hands..


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