Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Every President leaves an impression and has a legacy. Obama has spent his first year in office blaming Bush for every problem, while he and his dumb cronies in Congress, have dealt a serious blow to America's midsection. They've doubled our national debt, our economy is basically collapsed (more to come, no doubt), unemployment is rampant, our auto industry has lost it's life, Wall Street is in a tailspin, and now the democrats have succeeded in reigniting the cold war, with Russian President Vladimir Putin calling for Offensive Weapons development to face down the United States - in other words, the world's perception is that we aren't very united anymore.

The kids have taken over the administration building in DC. Well, now Obama is going to have to take the credit for his accomplishments, the world is pulling away from America, even Ceasar Chavez says the illusion about Obama is over!

Here is how Obama, or O'Bowser as we are now christening him stands today:



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