Monday, January 25, 2010

I find it difficult to begin to write about Obama.. he is the worst President the USA has ever had... he is a pathological liar, arrogant, narcissistic, and, apparently, dumb as a bag of rocks. He seems to think the American people are stupid and his campaign rhetoric will fool them - even though he has failed to keep the sweeping promises he made when running for election, and has tacitly condoned the outrageous attempt by the democratic legislature to railroad unpopular policies in Congress.

Obama not only failed to keep his promises, but his administration has engaged in the worst demagoguery and lowest, dirty political practices of any president - ever!

Let me be clear - OBAMA HAS COMMITTED CRIMES AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as President. The book is not closed on his validity or on his actions. There will soon be a day or reckoning for Obama and he will pay for his crimes.

OBAMA IS A LIAR. A cheat. A criminal! He is an extreme left wing idealist, a socialist, weak, and self absorbed. The world has watched America stumble and falter under his lack of leadership and opponents of freedom and democracy blatantly scoff, knowing that America is in internal turmoil because Obama is not interested in strengthening America, he is interested in dictating, in dominating and controlling - the money, the government, the people.

The democratic congress has run amok during his first year in office, violating the constitution, clearly engaging in unlawful and bullying tactics, excluding opposing legislators from the process, while drafting complex and far reaching legislation behind closed doors and cutting secret deals with unions, insurance companies and other industry representatives, in direct opposition to his flowery campaign promises.

Obama has doubled our national debt, provided sweetheart deals to his campaign contributors and tried to hijack our government.

America is suffering under Obama's policies and unemployment is rampant. Yet, Obama is clearly determined to continue to pursue his socialist ideals, even though the American people have made it clear that this is not acceptable.

Fortunately, the people have rallied and are now mounting a focused campaign to delouse Capital Hill, which will, eventually, result in getting rid of Obama and the renegade congress. Truth is the insecticide which will kill Obama and the rest of the vermin that infest Capital Hill.

Graft and corruption, secret deals behind closed doors, payoffs, bribes, lies and spin... this is what America gets from Obama.

Obama will go down in history as the worst president the United States has ever seen.

And the American people will exact a price for the damage he has done.

The end is beginning for Obama...



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