Spirit is the essence of life

Thursday, March 04, 2010

The Obama game of lying and trying to dictate to and rule over American's despite their protests are heating up to a boil with the healthcare issue. Despite intense resistance and public outcry, Obama is absolutely determined to enact this huge socialist program on a country that doesn't want it. The worst Obama can do is create more problems for the American people, but he struck fire to his own house. He will not be able to recover from his foolish socialist agenda and no matter how many lies he tells, the American people are fed up with Obama .. his leftist supporters are in a shrinking minority as Independents abandon his sinking ship in droves. Even democrats in his administration, patriotic Americans who are not willing to ignore the outcry of their constituents, are voicing their opposition to him and his attempt to place government in the middle of healthcare. Obama and those democrats who are willing to follow him in his insane fixation on growing government with wild spending, raising the deficit and ignoring the expressed will of the American people, had better start packing - in fact, they had better hope they can get away without being prosecuted for their crimes.