Spirit is the essence of life

Thursday, March 04, 2010

The Obama game of lying and trying to dictate to and rule over American's despite their protests are heating up to a boil with the healthcare issue. Despite intense resistance and public outcry, Obama is absolutely determined to enact this huge socialist program on a country that doesn't want it. The worst Obama can do is create more problems for the American people, but he struck fire to his own house. He will not be able to recover from his foolish socialist agenda and no matter how many lies he tells, the American people are fed up with Obama .. his leftist supporters are in a shrinking minority as Independents abandon his sinking ship in droves. Even democrats in his administration, patriotic Americans who are not willing to ignore the outcry of their constituents, are voicing their opposition to him and his attempt to place government in the middle of healthcare. Obama and those democrats who are willing to follow him in his insane fixation on growing government with wild spending, raising the deficit and ignoring the expressed will of the American people, had better start packing - in fact, they had better hope they can get away without being prosecuted for their crimes.

Monday, January 25, 2010

I find it difficult to begin to write about Obama.. he is the worst President the USA has ever had... he is a pathological liar, arrogant, narcissistic, and, apparently, dumb as a bag of rocks. He seems to think the American people are stupid and his campaign rhetoric will fool them - even though he has failed to keep the sweeping promises he made when running for election, and has tacitly condoned the outrageous attempt by the democratic legislature to railroad unpopular policies in Congress.

Obama not only failed to keep his promises, but his administration has engaged in the worst demagoguery and lowest, dirty political practices of any president - ever!

Let me be clear - OBAMA HAS COMMITTED CRIMES AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as President. The book is not closed on his validity or on his actions. There will soon be a day or reckoning for Obama and he will pay for his crimes.

OBAMA IS A LIAR. A cheat. A criminal! He is an extreme left wing idealist, a socialist, weak, and self absorbed. The world has watched America stumble and falter under his lack of leadership and opponents of freedom and democracy blatantly scoff, knowing that America is in internal turmoil because Obama is not interested in strengthening America, he is interested in dictating, in dominating and controlling - the money, the government, the people.

The democratic congress has run amok during his first year in office, violating the constitution, clearly engaging in unlawful and bullying tactics, excluding opposing legislators from the process, while drafting complex and far reaching legislation behind closed doors and cutting secret deals with unions, insurance companies and other industry representatives, in direct opposition to his flowery campaign promises.

Obama has doubled our national debt, provided sweetheart deals to his campaign contributors and tried to hijack our government.

America is suffering under Obama's policies and unemployment is rampant. Yet, Obama is clearly determined to continue to pursue his socialist ideals, even though the American people have made it clear that this is not acceptable.

Fortunately, the people have rallied and are now mounting a focused campaign to delouse Capital Hill, which will, eventually, result in getting rid of Obama and the renegade congress. Truth is the insecticide which will kill Obama and the rest of the vermin that infest Capital Hill.

Graft and corruption, secret deals behind closed doors, payoffs, bribes, lies and spin... this is what America gets from Obama.

Obama will go down in history as the worst president the United States has ever seen.

And the American people will exact a price for the damage he has done.

The end is beginning for Obama...


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Every President leaves an impression and has a legacy. Obama has spent his first year in office blaming Bush for every problem, while he and his dumb cronies in Congress, have dealt a serious blow to America's midsection. They've doubled our national debt, our economy is basically collapsed (more to come, no doubt), unemployment is rampant, our auto industry has lost it's life, Wall Street is in a tailspin, and now the democrats have succeeded in reigniting the cold war, with Russian President Vladimir Putin calling for Offensive Weapons development to face down the United States - in other words, the world's perception is that we aren't very united anymore.

The kids have taken over the administration building in DC. Well, now Obama is going to have to take the credit for his accomplishments, the world is pulling away from America, even Ceasar Chavez says the illusion about Obama is over!

Here is how Obama, or O'Bowser as we are now christening him stands today:


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Recent events surrounding and coming about as a result of Barach Obama's election are causing havoc in American society. It is obvious to the conservatives that Obama is a prevaricator ... he will say anything to get people to go along with his agenda to socialize America and take away the rights and freedoms of the American people.

People are beginning to stir into action .. this is a grassroots movement, comprised of people who have fought, have lost loved one's in wars fighting for, and protecting the rights of free Americans. Obama doesn't understand that, he hates free Americans ... of course this is meat and potatoes to the liberal politicians who have wanted to take away people's rights to keep and bear arms (so they won't be able to fight back if the elected representatives try to take them by force), to free speech, to free enterprise, etc., etc.

America was founded by people who fled from England (and other parts of the world) to escape tyrants who taxed them without representation, yet elected representatives in America today are levying more and more taxes on the people, and disregarding their rights in an effort to control the country.

The spokesman for the liberals who are trying to hijack America in an effort to socialize and emasculate American business and citizenry, is none other than Barach Obama... Mr. "promise utopia, then when you have dismantled the country's infrastructure in business, economics, and society, take over, because they won't be able to do anything about it...", Mr., I will surround myself with czars to control elements, and shock troops to protect me and my agenda, and I will systematically bankrupt and dominate the American way of life... The great prevaricator...

America will not stand for the attempts by these people to subjugate her peoples.. there are many who would like to slop at the government trough, while the government provides the slop from the taxes levied upon those who produce, but it will not fly. The American people will rise up and crush Obama and those elected officials who try to usurp the authority and power granted to them by the people, through the election process.

These interlopers will die in infamy, but America will not die - not at their hands..

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

I've been in a new business and I haven't posted much to the blog in recent times, however, the reckless and foolish rush of Americans to elect a socialist president and turn over the reins of leadership to a socialist sweet talker like Obama, the embarrassing and glaring stupidity of promoting Hilary Clinton to Secretary of State (I'm sure the world leaders are laughing up their sleeves at America now), and Nancy Pelosi's ridiculous diatribes and sickening grandstanding, has irritated me to the point that I can't keep quite any longer.

These spiritually blind liberals cry vehemently, and indignantly against prosecuting a war against people who hate us (with no consideration for us at all, by the way) who plot our destruction, and passionately desire to kill our families and children and wreck our lives - while these same blind liberals blithely condone killing unborn 'human' children. Killing unborn 'human' children for convenience is a spiritual abomination of such magnitude, it clearly shows the true value they put on 'life', the two faced nature of their 'dignity', and their hypocrisy and deviousness.

These blind liberals prattle on and on about the importance of 'every' person's dignity, and they pretend life is so sacred that they cannot believe anyone would want to impose a 'death' penalty for even the most heinous crimes - but they have absolutely no problem with killing 'human' babies, for convenience.

These liberals would soil their pants if you or I killed a dog or a cat, a puppy or a kitten, because we didn't want it, they would be horrified and the media would pick it up like a spreading wildfire, they would crucify us in the press and trod us underfoot with great indignation, but they have no problem with killing unborn 'human' children - because they don't want them, and they DON'T value their lives.

These blind liberals pretend that they are 'moral', we see pictures of them walking out of a Sunday service with a 'prelate', seemingly in sober conversation about what? Deep spiritual truth?

All one has to do is read the Bible, or the New Testament to quickly discover that these people demonstrate the exact opposite of what is taught there. These people are not moral, they are mockers, accusers, haters, vile and immoral, and they are an abomination to God!

They may fool the American people, who have become drunken by excessive indulgence in media, spin doctors, inane broadcasters and disinformation campaigns, but it is very clear in the Bible and the New Testament that the values these blind liberals 'promote and demonstrate by their behavior' - not their prepared 'speeches', or the web of deceit and lies they weave in the media, not the hate and invective they clearly spew from their mouths and their souls on tv - but their behavior itself, is a very clear indicator of who they really are.

Neither Al Gore, or Barach Obama, or any other zealous liberals are going to 'save' the Earth or mankind - they are the blind leading the blind.

There is One who walked upon the water, healed the sick and brought dead people back to life, He demonstrated power and authority to change the atomic structure of matter, and the human body, and the earth - AT WILL! He is the creator of life and the source of knowledge, wisdom and understanding, He is the model of morality. He is the Spirit who gives life.

His manifestation and His words have shaped the western world, and His teachings are the basis for English common law and the foundation for America's freedoms, and even though He is not here in the flesh, His Spirit is at work in the Spirits of men and women all over the world. He's just biding his time until He is ready to take the next step with mankind - then He'll separate the sheep and the goats. These blind liberals are spiritual goats.

As Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" .. not by what they 'say' but by the millions of dead babies which they don't want... these blind liberals are deceived by an evil, liberal spirit, and they are the blind leading the blind.

WAKE UP AMERICA! You are being deceived by the power of an evil spirit...

Friday, June 30, 2006

I've been trying to dialog on a political forum lately and I've become absolutely sick of the hateful, vulgar and obscene behavior of liberal extremists, and their attempts to lie, slander and spread disinformation. This is harmful to America and every American who's worth his or her salt should be outraged that these extremists are trying to create confusion, unseat duly elected officials at a critical time in our history, and topple the current administration. They are weakening and dividing America when we need to be united and strong. If they only way we can accomplish this is to vanquish them, then we should be figuratively putting on our jackboots and kicking some butt. This is a blight on the wisdom and intelligence of all Americans and is dragging our country toward civil strife. I have begun to parody leftwing politicos, who try to look like sheep but are really wolves. Who pretend to be men and women of faith, putting on a show of solemnity for the cameras on Sunday, then decry and turn away from every tenet of faith.

These are the politicos who pander to the dregs of our society, running on the agenda of special interest groups, sponsoring political correctness, which is choking our courts and denying citizens the freedom of speech. They pander to the worst elements of our society, they are the darlings of Hollywood and the Media and all the left wing perverts who want to turn our society into a cesspool with their vulgarity, obscenity and irresposnsibility. They make nice with anyone who will vote for them - but they have proved over and over again that they do not have leadership or solutions, they just run on a Santa Claus platform, promising the divvy up the rewards if the special interest groups will vote for them, and promising to use some form of taxation to pay for it. Of course these wolves will hedge on key issues, like the war (hem and haw around the issues so they don't step on a political landmine), or the military (pretend like they respect and admire the military but just think they were put into the wrong place by the evil conservatives). These politicians are carpetbaggers and charlatans. My intention is to parody them like Jonathan Swift parodied the bloated and ignorant politicians of his day with Gulliver's Travels. I say rise up Americans, take back the right of free speech, it is not against the law to speak out against what is wrong, I don't care if its morals or legals - wrong is wrong and our country was founded so we could stand firm for what we believe as long as we don't force our opinions on others.

If we don't stand up and encourage one another to speak out against sedition and debauchery and the rampant moral degradation that has overrun our country, we might as well call in our kids and grandkids, and bend over and kiss our asses goodbye, because these extremist left wing perverts are going to do their best to take us to hell.

I ran across a funny little cartoon which caps on the liberal Mr. Al Gore, and the frenzy with which he is wringing his hands and carrying forth the word about global warming. So the ocean will be 1" higher in a hundred years (I'm sure Al's really worried that it could happen as quickly as 50 years), Al thinks he's going to save the Earth, but it can't be done Al. This just proves that your appearances at church are a complete farce and window dressing your sad image. You don't have any real faith in God, if you did you would not be trying to save the Earth - that is a fool's errand Al. Why do you go to a christian church Al? You obviously don't believe in Christ. If you did you would know you cannot save the Earth, and that is not what God is concerned with. In fact, the Earth will be destroyed - by fire. So your frantic stance on global warming is just more of your political posturing, trying to be 'relevant' and appear as a forward thinking guy who sees far ahead. But you are just a poor deluded nut, lost and trying to get some 'power' so you can be a hero like your hero Bill Clinton. You'll all be shown for what's really in your hearts.

Here's the picture.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

It's funny, I've been writing music and short stories, and bits and pieces of what I would term inspiration, or piquant glimpses of people, places or whatever, for most of my adult life, but sitting down to purposely commit myself to written expression for public view, makes me a little hesitant. I think it comes from all the frustration writers feel when they're going through reams of paper and getting nowhere; you begin to doubt your ability. Makes me feel like I'm getting up naked and turning on a bare lightbulb in a messy room, and I'll find I'm standing in a big picture window in downtown NYC, with a crowd looking in at me. Oh well! In NYC that might be ok, or at least its probably the best place to be if it has to happen to you. New Yorkers are probably the most affable people in the world.

Unfortunately I'm on the Left Coast. The one that New Yorkers pray will fall off into the sea. California, that great sunny, stinkpot of rabid perverts. Actually that's not ALL there is in California, but that pretty much sums up the way much of the non-Californians feel about it. I have mixed feelings about it. I was born and raised in Northern California, so I have a special fondness for the Redwoods and the forests, the coastal climate, the villages, the sea, but I really don't like the extreme liberal bias that has come to be associated with California. I'm actually a conservative guy.

If any hateful, nasty poeple are reading this, I don't want to grind anyone's face into the ground, or go Gestapo, I just have conservative views. America is a free country, not so people can run it the way they want , but so we can all be free from oppression and tyrrany. So if we want freedom, we must extend freedom to our neighbor, if we want courtesy, we must extend courtesy, and so on. One cannot be a jerk and expect people to accept it. You're off your nut if you think that's gonna fly. America was founded by people who fought to be free, so let's not be nasty because we don't agree, let's appreciate our freedom from oppression and tyrrany, and express ourselves with grace and mercy, and do the best we can to live in peace. Otherwise America will be destroyed.

There seems to be a confidence in the extreme left that if they come into power, somehow the rest of the world will embrace them, but, in fact, what much of the world hates about America is the extreme left. Does the extreme leftist think Islam will embrace wealthy Hollywood, with it's sexual promiscuity, drugs, shameless behavior, cheap relationships, false ideals, phoney role models? How about the music industry's promotion of tattooed miscreants promoting gangs, drugs, sexual promiscuity, hatred, godlessness, self worship? How about professional sports? It's the same song and dance!

The extreme left seems to think it is cranking out quality, but it's a sham, like last night's glitter and drugs, it looks shabby, cheap and unappealing in the morning light. They are deceived if they think the rest of the world agrees with them. Remove all restraints on the extreme left's orgy of pleasure, selfish indulgence and frivolity and the rest of the world is going to embrace them? When they have destroyed the power that keeps the wolves at bay? They will be destroyed in great haste and disgust if that floodgate is opened. The starving masses of the world hate the extreme left even more than the conservatives. They would rape and kill the stupid and self centered American women who are obsessed with sex, and they would take great joy in destroying everything in America and emasculating the men. Islamics would certainly kill all homosexuals. Homosexuality is still an unspeakable crime in their culture.

The extreme left needs to wake up - the only reason they can get away with their foolish behavior is because of the strong America that was built by determined, conservatives. If the protection that exists because of the strength of American government and military are removed, and don't be taken in by extreme leftist politicians who are just as deceitful as they are deceived, the extreme left would be sought out and destroyed with a vengance.

The world doesn't respect you, it hates your indulgence and envies your privilege.